Exciting news! Mott Hall II was featured on ABC News on October 5! 

We were honored to participate in a special event commemorating the birthday of the legendary John Lennon, who spent the later part of his life in the Upper West Side. Our scholars and staff represented our school brilliantly, showcasing the spirit and passion that embodies Mott Hall II. Click on the link to view the article.

DOE Diversity Plan

The DOE announced the diversity plan. Mr. Lowe was quoted in the announcement and also was part of the Channel 2 discussion. Diversity plan for more information.

Mott Hall II on CNN!

CNNOn Monday, November 7, 2016, the Mott Hall II newspaper was honored to host CNN reporter, Kelly Wallace and cameraman Jason Basso. Not only was our school newspaper, Inside the Halls highlighted, but several of our students were interviewed about the media's coverage of the election, including scholar's thoughts and opinions on what improvements could be made for the next presidential election.

We are so proud of our scholars; they were poised, well-spoken, mature and expressed their opinions eloquently and enthusiastically.

Additionally, please log onto insidethehalls.com to view our school's newspaper and read all the amazing articles our scholars work so hard to write each week.

This is the link to the Video and Article for CNN.

Mr. Lowe, Honored by Manhattan Borough President

Borough PresidentManhattan Borough President Gale Brewer presented our Principal with a Certificate of Appreciation at her reception honoring African American educators, in celebration of the African American Day Parade. Mr. Lowe accepted the honor with his family and members of his staff present at the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. building on September 16, 2016.

Mr. Lowe, Blackboard Award Honoree

Blackboard Award HonoreeWe are so proud of our Principal, Mr. Lowe, who was honored as a 2015-2016 Blackboard Award Honoree. Mr. Lowe accepted the honor on December 2nd, 2015, with his family and school community present to cheer him on! View his acceptance speech.

A Top Middle School in NYC

Mott Hall II was highlighted in this PIX11 news clip and article as a top middle school in New York City. Top middle school in NY news coverage.

Mott Hall II, one of the most popular middle schools in NYC!

DNA Info
Mott Hall II alum, Olivia DuFord and her mom, Robin Miles are featured in this DNAinfo article. Mott Hall II is listed as one of the most popular middle schools in NYC. Read more on the DNAinfo article.

Mr. Lowe, Principal of the Week

Principal of the WeekOur Principal, Mr. Lowe was named Principal of the Week in this feature DNAinfo article. Read all about our “energetic young principal."

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